How to receive financial compensation for accident whiplash neck injuries
If you have suffered an accident and severely injured your neck due to someone else’s fault, you are eligible to obtain monetary relief to compensate for your pain and medical expenses.
Whiplash neck injuries
A pain in the neck caused by such sudden events is usually associated with a whiplash medical condition, also known as a neck strain or neck sprain. This type of injury to the soft tissues of the neck is most commonly caused by sudden backward or forward neck movement, usually experienced by car collision victims. Injuries to the intervertebral joints, ligaments, nerve roots and cervical muscles can also fall within the group of severe whiplashes. Bear in mind that not all whiplash neck injuries can be discovered right after the accident, some of them appear on the net day or even a few days after. Unfortunately, those are the most severe ones.
Here are some of the most common whiplash symptoms:
• A feeling of dizziness
• Neck stiffness and headache
• Shoulder and back pain
• Difficulties with chewing and swallowing
• Paresthesias – An abnormal sensation, such as burning or prickling
• Myofascial injuries – Injuries to the muscles and ligaments
Luckily, accident victims can recover quickly from such injuries if proper medical treatment is applied. The most common therapeutical methods include:
• Heat therapy
• Wearing a soft cervical collar, for a period of 2-3 weeks after the accident
• Use of analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or local anesthetic injections in the cases when extremely severe pain is felt by the victim for a long period of time
• Physical therapy, including various motion exercises
• Muscle relaxants
• Surgical repair, if the whiplash has damaged the intervertebral discs
How to get compensated for your injuries?
In order to pay for all that treatment an accident victim must obtain a financial compensation from the party at fault for the misfortunate event. The easiest and safest way for you to receive such compensation if you are in a similar situation is to hire a reputable negligence attorney to litigate your case. The sooner you get legal defense the higher your chances will be for a full and fair settlement. If you have a whiplash neck injury and are worried that you will not be able to pay your medical bills, call our office. We have successfully handled many whiplash claims. We offer a free initial consultation.